KPSS Soruları/KPSS Anayasa Soruları
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DGS Soruları/DGS Deneme Sınavları
61. – 63. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
Mezopotamya ve İran’da olduğu gibi Anadolu’da
da yerleşme için seçilen yerler tarıma elverişli
dere ya da ırmak kena...
YDS Soruları/YDS Karma Sorular
Since words alone may fail to convey an idea, teachers often ------ such visual aids as pictures, charts, and films.
YDS Soruları/YDS Karma Sorular
They raised no ------ to his prolonged leave of absence
since they didn't want to lose him altogether.
YDS Soruları/YDS Karma Sorular
It is ------ ten years
since AIDS caught the world's attention.
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Since the firm has been found negligent by the court, his claim for ------ for the accident has been accepted.
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A complete reconstruction of the origin and development of the atmosphere would include details of its size and composition at all times during the 4,500,000,000 years
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The first great theorist of dramatic art was Aristo, whose ------ of tragedy in “The Poetics” has dominated critical thought ever since.
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--------- obesity results basically from an excess of calories, in some instances, genetic background may be a contributing factor.
YDS Soruları/YDS Karma Sorular
Nearly half of the world's countries have ----- capital punishment in law or in practice, and some two dozen of them have done so formally since ...